
123 lines
3.9 KiB

#include "catch.hpp"
#include "urlenc.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace urlenc;
using Catch::Matchers::Equals;
TEST_CASE("Convert some encodings to characters","[urlenc][enctochar]")
CHECK(enctochar("%20") == ' ');
CHECK(enctochar("%21") == '!');
CHECK(enctochar("%2B") == '+');
TEST_CASE("Stop decoding after 3 characters","[urlenc][enctochar]")
CHECK(enctochar("%20foobarbaz") == ' ');
TEST_CASE("Replace all the %__ encodings with the proper character","[urlenc][decode]")
char buff[20] = {};
char lil[4] = {};
CHECK(decode("foo=bar%20baz", buff, 12) == 12);
CHECK_THAT(buff, Equals("foo=bar baz"));
// Long string
CHECK(decode("AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFF", buff, 12) == 12);
// Long string with encodings
CHECK(decode("AAAA%20BBBB%20CCCC", buff, 12) == 12);
CHECK_THAT(buff, Equals("AAAA BBBB C"));
// This would be a malformed string, but this is my expected behavior
CHECK(decode("hack%", buff, 12) == 6);
CHECK_THAT(buff, Equals("hack%"));
CHECK(decode("hack%r", buff, 12) == 7);
CHECK_THAT(buff, Equals("hack%r"));
// Another overrun Test
CHECK(decode("AA%", buff, 4) == 4);
CHECK_THAT(buff, Equals("AA%"));
TEST_CASE("Test the hexval helper function","[urlenc][hexval]")
CHECK(hexval('0') == 0);
CHECK(hexval('1') == 1);
CHECK(hexval('2') == 2);
CHECK(hexval('3') == 3);
CHECK(hexval('4') == 4);
CHECK(hexval('5') == 5);
CHECK(hexval('6') == 6);
CHECK(hexval('7') == 7);
CHECK(hexval('8') == 8);
CHECK(hexval('9') == 9);
CHECK(hexval('A') == 10);
CHECK(hexval('B') == 11);
CHECK(hexval('C') == 12);
CHECK(hexval('D') == 13);
CHECK(hexval('E') == 14);
CHECK(hexval('F') == 15);
CHECK(hexval('a') == 10);
CHECK(hexval('b') == 11);
CHECK(hexval('c') == 12);
CHECK(hexval('d') == 13);
CHECK(hexval('e') == 14);
CHECK(hexval('f') == 15);
// undocumented behavior if char is not a hex
TEST_CASE("Check the length of a decoded string","[urlenc][decoded_length]")
CHECK(decoded_length("foo%20bar%21baz%22") == 12);
CHECK(decoded_length("%20bar%21baz%22") == 9);
CHECK(decoded_length("bla?bla=bla&blabla") == 18);
CHECK(decoded_length("foo%") == 4);
CHECK(decoded_length("AAA%A") == 5);
TEST_CASE("Locate position of a key/value pair in the query component","[urlenc][query_key_pos]")
CHECK(query_key_pos("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","bar") == 6);
CHECK(query_key_pos("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","foo") == 0);
CHECK(query_key_pos("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","qux") == -1);
CHECK(query_key_pos("foo=1&bar=&baz=3","baz") == 11);
CHECK(query_key_pos("j=10&bar=&baz=3","bar") == 5);
CHECK(query_key_pos("","") == -1);
CHECK(query_key_pos("","bar") == -1);
CHECK(query_key_pos("foo=bar&baz=qux","") == -1);
CHECK(query_key_pos("foo=bar&bar=baz","bar") == 8);
TEST_CASE("Location position of a value in a key/value pair in the query component","[urlenc][query_val_pos]")
CHECK(query_val_pos("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","bar") == 10);
CHECK(query_val_pos("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","foo") == 4);
CHECK(query_val_pos("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","qux") == -1);
CHECK(query_val_pos("foo=1&bar=&baz=3","baz") == 15);
CHECK(query_val_pos("j=10&bar=&baz=3","bar") == 9);
CHECK(query_val_pos("","") == -1);
CHECK(query_val_pos("","bar") == -1);
CHECK(query_val_pos("foo=bar&baz=qux","") == -1);
CHECK(query_val_pos("foo=bar&bar=baz","bar") == 12);
TEST_CASE("Determine length of value in key/value pair in the query component", "[urlenc][query_val_len]")
CHECK(query_val_len("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","bar") == 1);
CHECK(query_val_len("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","foo") == 1);
CHECK(query_val_len("foo=1&bar=2&baz=3","qux") == -1);
CHECK(query_val_len("foo=1&bar=&baz=39","baz") == 2);
CHECK(query_val_len("j=10&bar=&baz=3","bar") == 0);
CHECK(query_val_len("","") == -1);
CHECK(query_val_len("","bar") == -1);
CHECK(query_val_len("foo=bar&baz=qux","") == -1);
CHECK(query_val_len("foo=bar&bar=baz","bar") == 3);