removed unused views

Kenneth Barbour 2020-07-08 21:54:47 -04:00
parent 4a6c7fce74
commit 25f20a1ada
2 changed files with 0 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
const m = require('mithril');
const BatteryView = {
view: function(vnode) {
if (vnode.attrs.percent === undefined) return null;
let classes = [];
if (vnode.attrs.is_charging) classes.push("is-charging");
if (vnode.attrs.percent <= 20) classes.push("is-danger");
else if (vnode.attrs.percent <= 40) classes.push("is-warning");
return m('.battery-status', { class: classes.join(" ") }, [
m('progress', {
value:(vnode.attrs.percent || null),
}, vnode.attrs.percent)
module.exports = BatteryView;

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
const m = require('mithril');
const Weather = require('../models/weather');
const BatteryView = require('./BatteryView.js');
var CurrentView = {
intervalID: null,
autorefresh_enabled: true,
oninit: function() {
CurrentView.intervalID = setInterval(CurrentView.autorefresh, 30000);
return Weather.loadCurrent();
view: function() {
let timeHeading = null;
if (Weather.current !== null && Weather.current.time) {
const currentTime = new Date(Weather.current.time*1000);
timeHeading = m('h2.subtitle',
'as of ' + currentTime.toLocaleString()
return m('div.section', [m('div.container',
(Weather.current == null) ? [m('.notification', 'Loading current conditions...')] : [
m('h1.title', 'Current Conditions'),
m('.level', [
m('.level-item.has-text-centered', m("div",[
m('p.heading"', 'Temperature'),
m('p.title', Weather.current.temperature + ' °C')
m('.level-item.has-text-centered', m("div",[
m('p.heading"', 'Pressure'),
m('p.title', Weather.current.pressure + ' mbar')
m('.level-item.has-text-centered', m("div",[
m('p.heading"', 'Humidity'),
m('p.title', Weather.current.humidity + '%')
m('', [
m('.control', m('', {
disabled: CurrentView.autorefresh_enabled,
onclick: CurrentView.refresh
}, 'Refresh')),
m('.control', m('label.checkbox', [ m('input[type=checkbox]',{
checked: CurrentView.autorefresh_enabled,
onchange: function(e) { CurrentView.autorefresh_enabled =; }
}), " Auto"])),
m('.control', m(BatteryView, { ...Weather.current.battery })),
autorefresh: function() {
if (CurrentView.autorefresh_enabled) CurrentView.refresh();
refresh: function() {
module.exports = CurrentView;