# uWeather Firmware Firmware for a small Arduino/ESP8266 + BME280 Weather Station. ## Features ### Weather Over HTTP Access live weather data via a web app running on the weather station. Connect using mDNS (`weather.local`) or directly to the station's IP address if mDNS is not configured or supported. ### MQTT Data (Experimental) The station can send JSON-encoded weather data to a configured MQTT host. Currently, it supports communication only over the standard port without TLS or authentication. ## Build and Install 1. **Building and Uploading via USB/Serial:** - Connect the ESP8266 to your computer via USB. - Use PlatformIO to build and upload the firmware: ```sh pio run --target upload ``` - For the first time setup, also upload the filesystem: ```sh pio run --target uploadfs ``` 2. **Uploading Over the Air (OTA):** - If the station is already connected to WiFi, OTA uploads are preferred: ```sh pio run --target upload --upload-port ``` - Replace `` with the actual IP address of the station (e.g., ``). ## Initial Station Setup After installing the firmware and booting for the first time: 1. Connect to the station's WiFi Access Point using a smartphone or laptop. 2. Open the setup page at ``. 3. Enter the WiFi configuration and station settings. 4. Optionally commit config settings to EEPROM (WiFi settings are automatically saved). To persist other settings after a restart, POST to `/config/commit`. **Note:** There are known issues with the initial WiFi connection process. As a workaround, temporarily set WiFi credentials manually in the code to ensure they are written to EEPROM. ## Monitoring via Serial UART - Monitor the serial output at 74880 baud to see logs and debug information: ```sh pio device monitor -b 74880 ``` ## Web Server Usage - The web server is accessible via plain HTTP. By default, it responds at `weather.local` using mDNS. Alternatively, use the station's IP address if mDNS is not available. ## Known Issues and Troubleshooting - **Initial WiFi Connection:** There are issues with connecting to WiFi for the first time. Manually setting the WiFi credentials in the code is a recommended workaround to write them to EEPROM. - **MQTT:** The MQTT functionality is still experimental and may have limited support or issues. Currently, it does not support TLS or authentication. ## TODO - ~~Implement /wifi/scan~~ - Shutdown web server - Configurable MQTT update interval - Deep sleep functionality - Remotely disable deep sleep