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WXRX Website Generation

This directory should contain at least two subdirectories:

  • public is where wxrx will put generated website files. Set it or symlink it to your web-server's document root.
  • templates is where you may place custom templates for wxrx to use to generate web pages.


  • document.template is used for generating any HTML document. It uses the following variables:
    • {{CONTENT}} - the main content of the page, generated by other templates
    • {{TITLE}} - page title
    • {{GENERATED_AT}} - string description of the time the page was generated
    • {{SCHEDULE}} - Concatenated markup generated by schedule-item.template
  • index.template - used for the site index
    • {{CONTENT}} - the main content of the page
  • item.template is used for each satellite pass included in an index.
    • {{URL}} - url to the pass HTML page
    • {{HEADING}} - heading to describe the pass
    • {{THUMBNAIL}} - url to an image thumbnail for the pass
  • pass.template is used to generate a page containing all the files for a single satellite pass
    • {{TITLE}} - page title for use in a heading
    • {{CONTENT}} - concatenated content for the items in this pass
  • pass-audio.template is used to render markup to present the audio file for a pass
    • {{WAV_FILE}} - url to an audio file
  • pass-image.template is used to render markup to present an image for a pass
    • {{SRC}} - image src attribute
    • {{ALT}} - alt attribute for the image
    • {{CAPTION}} - a string caption describing the image
  • schedule-item.template generates the markup for a single predicted satellite pass
    • {{DATE}} - date and time of the beginning of the signal (above the horizon)
    • {{SATELLITE}} - satellite name (ex: NOAA 15)
    • {{DURATION}} - duration (in seconds) until loss of signal (below the horizon)